FULL Package

- EV SSL + UK Incorporation
- COMODO Certificate
- Extended Validation
- $1,750,000 Warranty
- Green Bar Assurance
- Dynamic Site Seal
- UK Incorporation
Only EV SSL : $240
Issuance By : 15 Business Days
Order now
FULL Package

- EV SSL + UK Incorporation
- GeoTrust Certificate
- Extended Validation
- $1,750,000 Warranty
- Green Bar Assurance
- Dynamic Site Seal
- UK Incorporation
Only EV SSL : $240
Issuance By : 15 Business Days
Order now
FULL Package

- EV SSL + UK Incorporation
- Thawte Certificate
- Extended Validation
- $1,750,000 Warranty
- Green Bar Assurance
- Dynamic Site Seal
- UK Incorporation
Only EV SSL : $280
Issuance By : 15 Business Days
Order now
FULL Package

- Secure Site with EV
- Symantec Certificate
- Extended Validation
- $1,750,000 Warranty
- Green Bar Assurance
- Dynamic Site Seal
- UK Incorporation
Only EV SSL : $1030
Issuance By : 5 Business Days
Order now
What documents you need for Green Bar SSL ?
This implies providing
any one of the following documents:
A. Articles of incorporation (with address) . You haven't ? No problem it's only $119 & Full package have included.
B. Government issued business license (with address)
C. Copy of a recent company bank statement (you may blacken out the Account Number)
D. Copy of a recent company land line phone bill
E. Copy of a recent major utility bill of the company (i.e. power bill, water bill,gas bill etc.)
Also Comodo CA usually verifies the phone number with the help of a third party data base or through an online sources that receive information directly from communications provider.
Besides there are also a verification of a domain ownership and authority of contract signer. Sometimes some of the above mentioned requirements can be substituted with a letter from CPA, a chartered accountant, or a legal opinion from an attorney.
No need full packge ? Need only EV SSL ? Okay let's talk with us Knock us. on
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